The Yardbirds
Officially, the reason why Jeff left the Yardbirds is the lacking of his health. But most of the people don't think the truth is not like that. They said, after Jimmy Page had joined the band, Jeff was not the "Top Musician only in the band". They had often written in magazines.
Other reasons to be rumored are "No time to see his favorite TV program", "Though he found a lover, but there was no time to see her" and "He didn't like what Keith Relf said". Anyway, all of those were mixed up and forced Jeff to leave the group.
もしあのまま何のトラブルもなくグループが存続していたらどうなっていただろうか。ツイン・ギターの可能性を提示したところでジェフとジミーのユニットは終点をむかえている。しかしそれらの録音、「Psycho Daisies」、「Happenings Ten Years Time Ago」、「Stroll On」の三曲は、それまでのヤードバーズの手触りとはまったく違う。これが「Over Under Sideways Down」と「Beck's Bolero」のどちらのスタンスに近いかは明らかだ。ジェフとジミーがもう少しうまくやれたら、レッド・ツェッペリンの初期案を体現していたあの音楽スタイルは急速に発展していただろう。
What had happened if The Yardbirds had kept alive? Twin guitars unit by Jeff and Jimmy showed some abilities in the future, and then broke up. They recorded only three songs, "Psycho Daisies", "Happenings Ten Years Time Ago", "Stroll On". These were far different from The Yardbirds' old ones. If they could have been together a bit longer, they would have done what "Beck's Bolero" had pointed. That's the original ideas of Led Zeppelin.
Original Led Zeppelin
「Beck's Bolero」のレコーディングに集まったメンバーたちは、その録音前かあとかは不明だが、一つのグループを結成するつもりでいた。ジェフ以外に、ジミー・ペイジ、ジョン・ポール・ジョーンズ、キース・ムーン、ニッキー・ホプキンスといった面々だ。これにスティーブ・マリオットを加えて結成する予定だったバンドの名前は、そのものずばり「レッド・ツェッペリン」だった。しかし各マネージャーに反対され、ザ・フーのツアーが再開してしまったため、この話はあっさりと流れてしまった。そして別のメンバーがジミー・ペイジのもとに集まって、かのバンドは誕生した。
All of the members who recorded "Beck's Bolero" hoped to organize a group. Jeff, Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, Keith Moon, Nicky Hopkins. And they wanted Steve Mariott to join as a vocalist. The band had been already called "Led Zeppelin". But all the managers denied, and The Who had to start touring, the plan had hidden away. Then Jimmy Page organized a new band with other musicians. That was Led Zeppelin.
当時でいうところのテクニシャンを集めたスーパー・グループは、ブラインド・フェイスを筆頭に長持ちしていない。言うなれば、ベック・ボガート&アピスもそのフォーマットを踏んだことになる。だからこそ前述のメンバーが組んだとしても、個性の強さが仇となって、長持ちはしなかったのではないかと思われる。しかしそれでも、「Beck's Bolero」からあふれ出る異様なパワーをアルバム単位で聴いてみたかったと強く思う。
"The Super Group" doesn't last long, like Blind Faith. From the same reason, Beck, Bogert & Appice did not. So, even if "Original Led Zeppelin" had been organized, they might not last long because of each member's strong personality.
Woodstock Festival
The Woodstock Festival in 1969, is still the biggest event in rock history. Jeff Beck Group was supposed to perform at this festival. But right before this, Jeff broke up the group. There were some reasons. Friendship between members were lost. Members of Led Zeppelin guested on Jeff's stage and were cheered more. And Jeff later told that he did not want to be remembered by too many audience.
But if Jeff's Group was there, this festival maybe has different meanings today. There were the other guitarists like Jimi Hendrix, Carlos Santana, Alvin Lee. With Jeff, "Woodstock" might have been called "The Festival of the guitarists".
Beck, Bogert & Appice in 1969
After the break-up of first the Jeff Beck Group, Jeff planned to organize a band with Tim Bogert, Carmine Appice and Rod Stewart. Jeff wanted the new group that has ability to threaten Led Zeppelin. But Rod declined it, and then Jeff was involved in a car crash, so Tim and Carmine organized Cactus.
Jeff never was satisfied with the rhythm sections of Jeff Beck Group. But with Tim and Carmine, Jeff and Rod could have made some performance that can get ahead of Led Zeppelin. But they didn't have important part. Also Beck, Bogert & Appice did not. That's the one who can write excellent songs. Without good numbers, the group cannot stand long. Remember that Jimmy Page has it.
Jeff Beck Group #2
So Jeff gave up on Tim and Carmine, instead, he organized second Jeff Beck Group. The group's style was too different from the first group, but the quality was high. Before making this group, Jeff went to Detroit and recorded some materials in Motown. So what he wanted to express in those days were exactly in "Rough And Ready" and "Jeff Beck Group".
グループ後期のジェフのギター・サウンドはじょじょにテンションの高いコードを多用したものになっていく。すでにジャズ・ロック系ミュージシャンの影響を受け始めていたのでないかと思われる。ジェフなりにファンクを追求した第二期ジェフ・ベック・グループがジャズ・ロック寄りになるのは自然な成り行きだ。この当時、ジャズ界ではマイルス・デイビスが『On The Corner』というファンクそのもののアルバムを作っていた。マイルスはスライ&ザ・ファミリー・ストーンやジェームス・ブラウンから影響を受けたとのコメントを残している。そんな流れに同調する周波数がジェフの中にもあったのだろう。
In the latter days of the group, Jeff gradually tried using codes with high tension notes. It seems that Jeff had already been influenced by crossover-musicians. It was natural that Jeff Beck Group sounded like Jazz-Rock. In early 1970s, Miles Davis recorded "On The Corner", a funk album. Miles said that he was influenced by Sly & The Family Stone and James Brown. Jeff seemed to have the same kind of interests.
もし第二期ジェフ・ベック・グループがその後しばらく続いていたら、『Blow By Blow』よりもっとモロなファンク・サウンドを示せるバンドに成長していたのではないだろうか。
If Jeff Beck Group did not break up with only two albums, they could play funk more straight than Jeff did on "Blow By Blow".
Beck, Bogert & Appice with Paul Rodgers
But, finally, Jeff pushed a button. Beck, Bogert & Appice. Their album included numbers by soul musicians, but, on the stages, they played "Hard rock".
At the start of the band, main singer was Kim Milford, but he was fired. Then Bob Tench came back. Finally Jeff fired him, too. Jeff, Tim and Carmine had to sing. Once there was a plan to invite Paul Rodgers to join them. It was Jeff that wanted Paul to join. But Paul already had an idea of Bad Company, so the line up was not realized.
ポール・ロジャースとベック・ボガート&アピス。ステージはきっと同じようにハード・ロック大会だっただろうが、クオリティは明らかに高くなっていたことだろう。ポールはパワフルなボーカリストなだけでなく、すぐれたソング・ライターでもあるからだ。それに「All Right Now」や「The Stealer」をプレイするジェフなんてのも悪くない気がする。
Paul Rodgers and Beck, Bogert & Appice. If they had played together, they might have played "Hard rock". But they might played better. Because Paul is not only a good singer, but a great composer. And it might not be so bad to hear Jeff playing "All Right Now" and "The Stealer".
Beck, Bogert & Appice
It seems that Jeff think that Beck, Bogert & Appice was not a good experience for him. The sounds that Jeff wanted to play may not be on their first album. They seemed to have recorded and finished it half-way. Tim was too nervous. Each member's ability to sing was too weak. And for those reasons, Jeff had lost interests in Beck, Bogert & Appice.
現時点で我々が耳にすることのできる彼らの未発表セカンド・アルバム用の音源は、明らかに一作目より高い完成度を持っている。セカンド・アルバムだけで十分とは言わないまでも、これをステップにさらに同じ路線を追求していったら彼らの評価はまったく違っていたものになっていたはずだ。第二期ジェフ・ベック・グループと 『Blow By Blow』を結ぶファンクの共通項が見え隠れしているのがセカンド・アルバム用音源だからだ。一作目でハード・ロックに徹したのはあくまでレッド・ツェッペリンやクリームを意識したためなのではないだろうか。
The materials for their second album that we can listen now has a higher quality than their first album had. Though these two albums might not be enough, they could have stepped up in this way. "Funk" is the same term between Second Jeff Beck Group and "Blow By Blow", and, of course, Beck, Bogert & Appice's second album also has it.
Beck, Bogert & Appice at Rainbow Theater
In 1974, there was a rumor that the live album of Beck, Bogert & Appice at Rainbow Theater, London would be released. Their final show, January 26, 1974. There were two shows on that day, the first show was recorded for the radio. And from that material, too many bootlegs were made, since the analog records days. Only one tune is included in Jeff's box set "Beckology".
これらの残された音源を聴くかぎり、『Beck, Bogert & Appice Live In Japan』とは比べものにならないほどの素晴らしい演奏をしている。三人ともこのユニットで演奏することにすでに嫌気がさしている様子で、プレイそのものは荒っぽい。しかしそれこそ解散前の第一期ジェフ・ベック・グループが提供していたテンションの高さと同じものではないだろうか。神がかり的な魅力さえ漂わせている。
The performance, heard on those materials, shows their much higher ability than what "Beck, Bogert & Appice Live In Japan" had. Three of them seem to be tired with playing together, so their performance is loud and rough. But that roughness builds up what 1st Jeff Beck Group did, right before the breakup. They are charismatic in this concert.
あくまで噂だが、このライブ・アルバムの発売に反対していたのはジェフだという。しかしもしこのレコードがリリースされていたら、1975年に『Blow By Blow』は作られていなかったかもしれない。
It is not sure, but it's been rumored that the one who was against the release was Jeff. But if this had been released in 1974, we could not hear "Blow By Blow" in 1975, maybe.
The Rolling Stones With Jeff Beck
In 1975, The Rolling Stones were looking for a new guitarist instead of Mick Taylor. It's so famous that Jeff was invited to their sessions. Jeff went to Munich, Germany, where they had been staying, just for "killing time".
It was Mick Jagger that wanted Jeff to join The Rolling Stones. In their early days, English Magazine expressed Jeff as "A boy looks like Mick Jagger".
さて、現地に到着したジェフは、豪華なパーティに迎えられた。そして肝心のセッションがスタートしないことにジェフとマネージャーが気づいたのは数時間後だった。ミック・ジャガーは、ジェフが現れたのは、ストーンズ加入をOKするためだったと判断したらしく、他のギタリストたちをすべて帰国させてしまっていたという。ジェフは突然の事態に困り果てて、結局置き手紙を残してイギリスに戻ってしまう。その後、ストーンズはジェフのかつての同僚で、フェイセズでプレイしていたロン・ウッドをギタリストとして迎えて、『Black And Blue』をリリースする。
After Jeff reached there, he was invited to the party at first. And after spending hours, Jeff and his manager noticed that sessions had not started yet. Mick Jagger believed that Jeff came just to admit he had joined the band, so Mick told all the other guitarists to leave there. Jeff was confused and left a letter to tell he had to go, and then flew back to England.
The Rolling Stones had invited Ronnie Wood instead of Jeff, and soon released "Black And Blue".
Later, Jeff played on Mick's solo album, so there are no ill feeling between them. Jeff was asked in a magazine, "How long have you been a member of The Rolling Stones?". He told "Played the blues for 10 or 12 hours".