The bands he formed or joined, the musicians he performed with.
1964.xx - 1965.03 : The Tridents
Jeff Beck (g), John Lucas (g, vo), Paul Lucas (b), Ray Cook (ds)
Most known pre-Yardbirds semi-professional band with Jeff Beck. Their recordings were later released in "Beckology" boxset. They seem to had performed only in England, of course. Before forming this group, Jeff had experienced joining or organizing at least two bands, The Deltones and The Night Shift. But it's unknown that when they formed the band and performed in public. The Night Shift recorded at least one single.
1965.03 - 1966.06 : The Yardbirds #3
Jeff Beck (g), Keith Relf (vo), Chris Dreja (g), Paul Samwell-Smith (b), Jim McCarty (ds)
Jeff's first experience of the professional band. Before the official debut, the lead guitarist was Anthony Top Topham. At the time of the debut, Eric Clapton. Then Eric left the group and moved to John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, so Jeff had replaced him. At first, the group wanted Jimmy Page to join. But he was busy with the job in the studio, so he recommended Jeff to the group. Jeff and Jimmy met while Jeff was with The Night Shift. They played at the club where Neil Christian & The Crusaders was a top bill. Jimmy was a member of the Crusaders. Jeff's sister introduced Jeff to Jimmy. Jimmy set up some studio jobs for Jeff. Georgeo Gomelsky was a first Yardbirds manager, but later replaced by Simon Napair Bell.
1966.06 - 1966.07 : The Yardbirds #4
Jeff Beck (g), Keith Relf (vo), Chris Dreja (g), Jimmy Page (b), Jim McCarty (ds)
After Paul Samwell-Smith left the band, Jimmy Page joined as a bass player. He was afraid of leaving studio jobs one year ago. But The Yardbirds grew up to be a hit-maker with Jeff, so he willingly joined the group. It was Jeff that insisted to invite Jimmy.
1966.07 - 1966.11 : The Yardbirds #5
Jeff Beck (g), Keith Relf (vo), Jimmy Page (g), Chris Dreja (b), Jim McCarty (ds)
ジミーがクリスより優れたギタリストなのは誰が見ても明らかだった。クリスがベースに持ち変え、ジェフとジミーのダブル・リード・ギターのユニットがスタートした。しかしお互いに目立ちたがり屋だった彼らはだんだんと仲が悪くなっていく。結局このユニットで録音したのは、「Happenings Ten Years Time Ago」、「Psycho Daisies」、そして映画『Blow Up』の挿入歌「Stroll On」の三曲にとどまった。その映画の公開を待たずにジェフはヤードバーズを脱退する。また、この時期にジミ・ヘンドリクスと出会う。当初アメリカでチャンスを求めていたジミを、マネージャーのチャス・チャンドラーは「エリック・クラプトンとジェフ・ベックに会わせる」と渡英の説得をしたという。ジミとジェフは非公式ながらも数多くのセッションを行った。その時の音源は現在のところどんな手段でも流通していない。
Jimmy's skill was too good not to play guitar. So Chris started to play bass. Double guitar unit by Jeff and Jimmy was established. But each of them wanted to be in the spotlight alone, so they became unfriendly. Materials recorded were "Happenings Ten Years Time Ago", "Psycho Daisies", and "Stroll On" for the movie "Blow Up". Before the movie started, Jeff had left The Yardbirds. In those days, the manager changed to Peter Grant and Mickie Most. In these days, Jeff met Jimi Hendrix. In the beginning, Jimi was looking for a chance of debut. His manager Chas Chandler promised Jimi that Chas let Jimi to meet Eric Clapton and Jeff, to take Jimi to England. Unofficially, Jeff and Jimi had many sessions, but no source in these days is on the market until today.
Late 1966 - Early 1967 : "Beck's Bolero" Recording
Jeff Beck (g), Jimmy Page (g), John Paul Jones (b), Keith Moon (ds), Nicky Hopkins (key)
To record Jeff's single, some musicians were gathered. Everyone there wanted to organize a band together. Already, Keith Moon had named this unit "Led Zeppelin", but their managers didn't permit. In 1980's, Jeff told in one interview that this member had recorded more numbers.
1967.02 - 1967.03 : 1st Jeff Beck Group #1
Jeff Beck (g), Rod Stewart (vo), Ronnie Wood (g), Jet Harris (b), Dave Ambrose (b), Viv Prince (ds), Ray Cook (ds), Rod Coombes (ds)
This band recorded nothing. In the balance,they performed some gigs. Some of them were easily fired except only three main members. Rod had been with Hoochie Coochie Men,Steampacket and Shotgun Express. Ron was with Birds Creation.
1967.03 - 1967.09 : 1st Jeff Beck Group #2
Jeff Beck (g), Rod Stewart (vo), Ronnie Wood (b), Aynsley Dumber (ds)
エインズレイはジェフとは性格的に合わなかっただけでなく、ミッキー・モストのやり方にとてもではないが我慢できなかった。しかしグループにとってはよいまとめ役だったようだ。シングル「Tallyman」のB面「Rock My Plimsoul」以外には音源が残っていない。
Aynsley couldn't stand the Mickie Most way. He contribute much to arrange the group. They recorded "Rock My Plimsoul", a version that was on B-Side of "Tallyman".
1967.09 - 1968.10 : 1st Jeff Beck Group #3
Jeff Beck (g), Rod Stewart (vo), Ronnie Wood (b), Micky Waller (ds)
Songs in Concerts ... Blues De Luxe / I Ain't Superstitious / I'm Losing You / Jeff's Boogie / Let Me Love You / Morning Dew / Natural Woman / Pretty Woman / Rice Pudding / Rock My Plimsoul / Shapes Of Things / Stone Cold Crazy / Sweet Little Angel / Talk To Me Baby / The Sun Is Shining / You Shook Me
Songs in Concerts ... Blues De Luxe / I Ain't Superstitious / I'm Losing You / Jeff's Boogie / Let Me Love You / Morning Dew / Natural Woman / Pretty Woman / Rice Pudding / Rock My Plimsoul / Shapes Of Things / Stone Cold Crazy / Sweet Little Angel / Talk To Me Baby / The Sun Is Shining / You Shook Me
The group that recorded the most parts of the album "Truth". Album was produced by Mickie Most, and partly by Jeff himself.
1968.10 - 1969.02 : 1st Jeff Beck Group #4
Jeff Beck (g), Rod Stewart (vo), Ronnie Wood
Douglas Blake (b), Micky Waller (ds), Nicky Hopkins (key)
Douglas Blake (b), Micky Waller (ds), Nicky Hopkins (key)
In the middle of the US tour, Jeff fired Ron Wood. Instead, Douglas Blake had joined. But he couldn't satisfy Jeff, so Ron came back again. Everyone of them were beginning to be frustrated.
1969.02 - 1969.07 : 1st Jeff Beck Group #5
Jeff Beck (g), Rod Stewart (vo), Ronnie Wood (b), Tony Newman (ds), Nicky Hopkins(key)
Songs in Concerts ... All Shook Up / Early In The Morning / I Ain't Superstitious / Jeff's Boogie / Let Me Love You / Morning Dew / Plynth / Rice Pudding / Shapes Of Things / The Sun Is Shining / You Shook Me
Songs in Concerts ... All Shook Up / Early In The Morning / I Ain't Superstitious / Jeff's Boogie / Let Me Love You / Morning Dew / Plynth / Rice Pudding / Shapes Of Things / The Sun Is Shining / You Shook Me
『Cosa Nostra Beck Ola』のレコーディング・メンバー。当初は補助の形でツアーに同行していたニッキー・ホプキンスは、この時点ですでにグループの一員となっている。
The group that recorded "Cosa Nostra Beck Ola". Nicky Hopkins joined them during the tour, who appeared as a guest on the "Truth" album.
1969.07 - 1969.08 : 1st Jeff Beck Group #6
Jeff Beck (g), Rod Stewart (vo), Ronnie Wood (b), Tony Newman (ds)
Nicky Hopkins left the group, and soon the band was broken up. Right before the Woodstock Festival. Jeff had to cancel the appearance to festival. Ironically, Hopkins played with Jefferson Airplane at the Woodstock. Rod and Ron joined Small Faces, later renamed as "Faces".